
A Big Earthquake in Chiba

A pretty big earthquake hit Chiba last Saturday.
I supposed it was more than 震度4. And it turned out it was only S-3 here in this city.
But as far as what I felt, it was as big as S-4.
In the Southern part of Chiba, it was 震度5強. And it was the biggest one in the last six years!
Nobody died, though.

Only terrolist attacks have been happening here and there everyday, every month.
Over fifty people were dead in the attack in Egypt the other day.

And several more attacks in London!
In London! In such a big city!
It could have happened in Tokyo as well. It freaks us out.

We have so many problems in this society.
What can you do for all of them?

I cannot read the highly abstract essays by Mr.Spirituality any more.
It's a change. It's interesting.
そもそも、I do not believe in astrology any more.
I feel all the interpretation in astorology meaningless.
Meaninglessness once was a synonym for death to me several years ago,
but not any more.

I am not afraid of meaninglessness anymore,
because life is full of fun.