
Graham Technique class, Paris Marais Dance School


メトロ「Hotel de Ville」(または「Rambuteau」)駅から徒歩2〜3分。

Visited a Graham technique class, Paris Marais Dance School in 41 rue du Temple, 75004 Paris, France.

Do not miss the gate between American Apparel clothes shops.
Enter the gate and you will see a cafe before you in a courtyard.
You will find in the right glass doors for dance studios and changing rooms called such as Wagner and Ravel in upstairs.
To the right on the doors on the ground floor, there is a reception.

I asked the reception lady and she said I could use a shower (There was a clean shower room!), but apparently no one in the class including the teachers took the shower. I did, though. The reception lady perhaps should not have known that Graham was one of the modern dance.

Graham technique class by Maggie Boogaart was energetic and a lot of fun. I would recommend.

It seemed many people including many kids attended a lot of dance classes in the same building such as African dance and choir classes. I saw many mothers come to pick up their children.
Please see the pictures below.