

9/18〜10/8 ダンストリエンナーレトーキョー2009(ピックアップ)

ダンストリエンナーレトーキョー2009 9/18〜10/8 スケジュール どれを観るか? MOVIEは、必ずしも今回の来日公演ではないが、ご参考までに。 09.21 Mon 18:00 / 09.22 Tue 18:00 スパイラルホール エーヴァ・ムイル [フィンランド] 『Sold Out』(2007) 森…

7/26〜9/13 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ 大地の芸術祭2009

越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ 大地の芸術祭2009 過疎化した地域の復興イベントとして、2000年に始まり、第3回目。 さすが、3回目だけあり、運転者向け (作品が広い地域にまたがって点在するので、回るのに自動車は必須である) の黄色の案内標識などが、非…


NYCでは、意外とモダンダンスが好きな人たちがいた。 モダンダンスを作ったマーサ・グラハムを敬愛する人びと。 ダンススタジオDNA (Dance New Amsterdam)で会ったダンサーの女の子は、 「コンテンポラリーよりモダンのほうが好きなんだ」と言った。 NYUのル…

10/23〜11/21 フェスティバル/トーキョー09秋

フェスティバル/トーキョー09秋 10/23〜11/21 豊島区池袋の東京芸術劇場を中心とする、演劇・ダンスフェス。

9/18〜10/8 ダンストリエンナーレトーキョー2009

ダンストリエンナーレトーキョー2009 9/18〜10/8 世界の振付家・ダンサーが3年に一度、東京・青山を中心に一堂に集う国内最大のダンス の祭典です。今回4回目を迎え、11カ国から18のアーティスト/カンパニーが参加します。青山劇場、青山円形劇場、スパイラ…

7/26〜9/13 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ 大地の芸術祭2009

越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ 大地の芸術祭2009


池袋の街で大盆踊り大会―. にゅー盆踊り. 実施日: 平成21年8月23日(日曜日)17:30〜 会場: 池袋西口公園 交通アクセス: 西池袋1-8-26 費用: 参加無料 主催: 豊島区 豊島区の地域コミュニティ盛り上げ企画に、 豊島区在住の振付家&ダンサー近藤良平氏が参画…

Dendy Dancetheatre@Lincoln Center Out of Doors

Ben Munisteri Dance Projects Dendy Dancetheatre Lincoln Center, New York Out of Doors (Free of charge) 19:30-21:30 Dendy Dancetheatre - Jazzy, contemporary and very entertaining. Incredible to see so many audience (600 people?) in seats ju…

Central Park@NYC

I've never seen so many audience paying so much on just a free music live in a park. 6 members of the jazz group earned $29.00 for an hour live in Central Park. They are professional musicians and some of them seemed to have lost jobs for …

Joy of Motion

Joy of Motion One of the major dance studios in Washington D.C. Clean and good atmosphere, nice Front Desk and students They have 4 sites in D.C. One in Friendship Heights has only 2 studios(?). Washington D.C. - the streets are clean and …

Philadelphia Museum of Art


Philadelphia Museum of Art

Merce Bar

Mercer Street, New York SOHO


21 Bedford Street, New York Greenwich village A renowned, "No.1" diner in NYC. 'ino is famous for its Panini, but...maybe I am not a big fan of sandwiches...

Julie Mauskop.com


My new friend Julie Mauskop, who I met in Pilobolus workshop. I love her paintings and textiles! http://www.juliemauskop.com

Pilobolus Workshop Showing


Pilobolus8/6 Joyce Theatre Program 1 $19 Redline (2009) Darkness and Light (2008) Walklyndon (1971) Rushes (2007) Rushes was awesome. Choreography by Inbal Pint and Avshalom Pollak from Israel. Other 3 pieces were acrobatic and humorous, v…

St. Marks Comics


East Village I love it here! ASTRO GEEK magazine


A ballet class by an ex-member of Bat Sheva Dance Company Her vibe was just so clear and clean. I should have come here earlier... Shower room even has shower gel and all the dressing rooms are so clean...

NYC Spiritual Workshop Kundalini Yoga @ TRS Professional Suites

TRS Professional Suites provide seminar rooms for college classes, workshops for spirituality and so on. A simple lecture by a master on one of the styles of Kundalini Yoga for an hour and half, and meditation work for half an hour. He tel…

Pilobolus Workshop

Peridance Center 8/3-8/7 Dance workshop on creation.

Fuerza Bruta

Fuerza Bruta Daryl Roth Theatre 101 East 15th Street Union Square August 2, 1900-2010pm Ticket $25-75 Rush ticket $25 1. 20 rush tickets are sold 2 hous prior to every show 2. There is a limit of 2 tickets per person 3. Rush tickets are ca…

Frick Collection


Pay-what-you-wish at 1100-1300 on Sunday A small museum for 18th Century paintings. I think the actual building is better than the paintings inside. It's small and cozy.

Guggenheim Museum


Pay-what-you-wish on Saturday 5:45-7:45pm

Tribute World Trade Center Visitors Center and Tour

Dance New Amsterdam

Non-competitive, very clean, nice place with nice people, so good vibes...it's better than Peridance when it comes up with the studio, shower room and building as a whole, but Peridance invites more renowned choreographers.

Le Pain Quotidien

Le Pain Quotidien $3.35 Baguette One of the best bakeries in New York City. This afternoon I went to Le Pain Quotidien for the best bread wherever to find such a good baguette to blow off my tiredness from a contemporary dance class and si…

Da Da Dance Project: Blueprint

July 30 - August 1 Joyce SOHO $12-15 Da Da Dance Project (movies) "Butter and Fly: Intends to Walk" Ploy (2009) Blood Orange (2008) (Audio Visual) Tiny Voices (NY Premier, 2008) (Audio Visual) Blueprint (Excerpt, 2008) (Audio Visual) Bluep…

New York City Contemporary Dance Information

Peridance International Dance Center A variety of classes by renowned choreographers The dressing room is not so clean...They have 3 dance studios (Mirrors are not mirrors, just paper of alluminium...) The floors are filled with mending ta…

Norman Savitt

I met Norman Savitt in Fisherman's Wharf Youth Hostel. In the laundry room, he was half-naked, veiling his bottom with a long towel (not a big-sized bath towel). Obviously, he was waiting for the washer to be done and had no spare clothes.…

Nicholas Roerich Museum


A small museum in Morningside Heights, New York City